We built the Welsh Brew Tea website back in 2015 (you can see what it looked like originally below) and in the summer of 2020 they re-branded their main range of teas, which required a refresh of the web design. The new branding is a lot more colourful & vibrant, which needed to be reflected in the website graphics.
The website itself was performing very well, so we did not change anything at all about the layout or functionality. Our main focus on our websites is to provide quick page loading speed, which is one of the most important factors these days, along with being mobile friendly… we just created nice, optimised graphics & simple navigation, allowing customers to easily find the products. We also took the opportunity to make few tweaks to the SEO, refining the text content & titles, making sure all images were optimised, making sure all links were present & correct.
We also updated all product photography, adding a subtle, pale wooden background to give the images more depth – not just a basic product plonked on a white background! Some other changes we made were adding a self-contained newsletter system, and a sliding reviews section on the home page, which adds SEO value, as well as giving customers an endorsement.
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