A national ecological consultancy required a few SEO updates for their website. After a recent re-design of their website, there were a couple of issues that affected the website speed & search engine visibility.
Firstly, the website was quite image heavy, which is fine, but the images used throughout the website were high resolution – far larger than necessary. After shrinking these images, cropping them to the exact size & optimising them for web – we drastically improved the website speed, which is a major factor in SEO these days.
We updated the Home Page SEO title, reworking the opening paragraph of text on the home page, then mirroring this on the Meta Description. We went through each page, post & category, making sure there were no SEO errors. We removed the AJAX filter function for one of their Archive pages, creating new pages to perform the same function. We also removed a Sitemap plugin that they used, hid several unecessary taxonomies from the new Sitemao, then re-submitted to Google.
After all of these updates had settled down, or fully registered by Google, the website started performing well for many different search terms, often in the top 3.
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