Render Surgeon is a new branch of a successful rendering company in South Wales. They required a dedicated website to target rendering repair jobs nationwide, they also asked for a clean, professional logo design that would be suitable for the web design and other marketing material, like sign writing on their vans.
The Logo Design
They wanted a professional looking logo that conveyed the rendering industry. I created the badge style icon, with the shape of a rendering tool in the middle. We added a brick pattern overlay to reinforce the rendering industry. The font was chosen to keep continuity with the original parent company. And we chose the bright blue colour scheme as it would provide good contrast on the website, whether the background was dark or light.

The Web Design
The website needed to contain enough content to achieve good search engine rankings nationwide, so we created a service page for each aspect of the different rendering jobs that they offer. We also set up a blog / news section that can be updated regularly, to continually generate topical content, which will continue to improve their search engine rankings.
I tried to make the navigation as simple as possible, with obvious buttons in view at all times, directing the website visitors through the website to ultimately make an enquiry. I added a floating button on all service pages that will always sit in the bottom corner of the screen, so it is always instantly obvious & quick for a visitor to see how to make an enquiry.
The web design has been tested thoroughly on various devices, so it should be completely responsive. And it is a work in progress! As we continue to add content to the Blog, it will continue to rise up the rankings and increase the traffic, ultimately getting more & more jobs for the client.
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