I build and manage all websites for Vanité Clinic, a healthcare provider in Solihull. Vanité Hair Clinic web design was created to target hair transplant patients in and around Birmingham using Google Ads. Their main clinic website contains numerous treatments and pharmacy products, which makes it difficult to use in a Google Ads campaign, so this website was created to be a self contained target for hair transplant adverts.
The Web Design
The website was designed to be user friendly and easy to navigate, with much of the main information on the home page. We added a “before & after” images slider and a video to the home page, along with FAQs and testimonials to present the visitor with the important information immediately.
We also created a Blog area, adding various articles related to the hair transplant treatments and how they work. We created an image gallery of numerous other patient results, along with the usual About Us and Contact pages.
Search Engine Optimisation / SEO
As with all of my web design projects, I make sure that I cover all of the bases for good SEO, ensuring all links and images have the appropriate tags, all pages have unique titles and so on. In this case, the blog creation was a big part of the SEO plan, aiming to target multiple aspects of the hair transplant treatments giving them more chance of being found on search engines.
Future support
For all of my web design projects I keep an eye on their search engine rankings for a number of weeks, making sure there are no major issues. I also provide ongoing website maintenance for all of my customers, ensuring the websites are secure and regularly updated, if needed.
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